Structural Response of a Steel Structure with Dissipative Elements Under Seismic Action. Experimental Set-Up
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 103-110
Abstract text:
The paper presents the set-up needed for an experimental study regarding the behaviour of steel beam to column joints with dissipative elements. Three sets of torsion-bent bar type hysteretic dampers with plastic deformation were designed and manufactured for this purpose. The aim of the experimental study is to analyse the parameters that affect the behaviour of the steel beam-to-column joint. In addition, a brick masonry module was strengthened through traditional methods. Important aspects regarding the energy dissipation in the joint can be obtained and analysed by carrying out the experimental program described in this paper. These aspects refer to the characterization of the specific failure modes, the identification of the ultimate forces and the displacement and characterization of the stress-strain state.
Key Words:
beam-to-column joints; hysteretic dampers; seismic action; energy dissipation
Author(s) Information
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