On the Calculation of the Vertical Soil Pressure on Rigid Pipes Installed in Embankment Conditions
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 87-102
Abstract text:
For the rigid pipes buried in the ground, the main exterior force is caused by the vertical pressure of the fill material and also may be caused by the traffic. The calculation relationship of the vertical pressure of the earth on a buried rigid pipe is based on the Marston’s theory of loads. This pressure depends on a number of parameters relating to the pipe and the surrounding ground. For the pipe the parameters which count are: the outer diameter, its rigid or flexible classification, and the type of installation (in the trench, in the tunnel, in the embankment conditions). At the pipes installed in the embankment conditions, the projection rate, p, is defined according to the pipe installations position, in positive or negative projection. The fill material parameters are more numerous and more difficult to evaluate (the specific weight γ, the product Kμ between the Rankine constant and the internal friction coefficient, the settlement ratio rsd, the ratio H/Bc between the depth of burial and the diameter of the pipe). In the paper are given directions, calculation relations, tables with values and graphs useful for the evaluation of these parameters, as well as the load coefficient, Cc, which is a term of the vertical pressure equation of the fill material from embankment. Parametric numerical studies, presented in the paper, aim for highlighting the influence of the above mentioned parameters, on the vertical pressure amount of the fill earth from the embankment per linear meter of the buried pipe. The tables with values, variation graphs, observations and resulting conclusions can be useful in the design of the rigid pipes buried in the embankment conditions.
Key Words:
rigid buried pipe; embankment condition; soil vertical pressure; Marston-Spangler load theory; load coefficient; parametric studies
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