Studies on Predictability and Quantification of Quality Specific Activities in Building-Concrete
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 79-86
Abstract text:
In order to obtain and exploit appropriate quality constructions, we must have the documents attesting to the quality of the construction works that are executed in the Construction Log Book. All existing documents are a vector of quality argumentation. Starting from the comparison of the existing situation on the site regarding the execution and verification of the concrete works with the content of the documents drawn up, with the situation established by the project, according to the norms, norms and legislation in force, this paper proposes the establishment of documents with known content before the start of the works of construction, so that verification avivities are predictable. On the basis of the forms drawn up at the time of the checks, a score can be established to ensure quantification. The score obtained may be an indicator of the quality of construction works executed for the investor (and not only).
Key Words:
score; quality; concrete; investor
Author(s) Information
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