Structural Behavior of a Hybrid Steel-Concrete Bridge. Experimental Set-Up
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 63-78
Abstract text:
The use of modern systems for constant bridge monitoring has known a surprising evolution in recent years, being implemented in case of numerous operating structures. It was born in response to the administrators’ need to know the technical state of the bridges belonging to their subordinate network at any time and to distribute the limited budget available for the maintenance works as efficiently as possible. With the help of a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system, degradations are discovered as early as possible, in most of cases in the beginning stages of their development, when the cost of remediation is minimum. This paper presents the steps followed in the experimental program that aims to determine the degradation state of a mixed steel-concrete structure based on the analysis of data from a monitoring system installed on it. It is part of a comprehensive research program at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services at the ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi.
Key Words:
bridge; Structural Health Monitoring; maintenance; monitoring; sensors
Author(s) Information
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