Special Monitoring of the Service Behaviour of a Heritage Building in Order to Rehabilitate and Urban Reintegration
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 47-62
Abstract text:
During the use of the existing building fund in Romania appeared degradations/damages due to the action of harmful environmental factors, settlements, etc. In these circumstances, the assurance of the safe exploitation of the construction is required as a first-rate necessity. This is possible following the conclusions of the special monitoring report (a survey activity of construction behaviour consisting in the measurement, processing, recording and systematic interpretation of the values of the parameters defining the safety, stability and durability requirements stipulated by the project or in the current norms). The special monitoring was achieved through settlements measurements (by topographical methods - levelling), by mounting special devices (which measure the openings of the existing cracks in the masonry walls) and completed with the current monitoring of the technical state (presented by graphic and photographic degradation’s survey). Based on the results of the special monitoring programme, structural rehabilitation methods were recommended.
Key Words:
structural monitoring; topographic methods; rehabilitation
Author(s) Information
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