Ductility-Concept for Improving the Seismic Response for Structural Reinforced Concrete Frame Systems
Tomme: 65 (69) Fascicle: 1 | 2019
Pages: 17-30
Abstract text:
The reinforced concrete frame structures are used with confidence by structural engineers in seismic areas, being available a theoretical methodology for designing and evaluating the seismic response for these systems. However, following the recent severe seismic actions in the world (Japan, 2011, Magnitude = 9.1, 20896 dead), it can be noticed that the seismic response of reinforced concrete frame structures does not coincide with the mechanisms of dissipation earthquake energy considered theoretically. The ductile design concept of these structural systems deserves particular attention and effective improvement. Thus, it is necessary an extensive knowledge of the phenomena occurring in these types of dissipative reinforced concrete structures, with adequate details about material/section/element and structure ductility, and the seismic response of the designed inductile structural systems.
Key Words:
energy dissipation; structural ductility; control of deformations; plastic hinges; yield of the structural assembly
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