A Comprehensive Approaching of the Water Tanks Durability's Affecting Factors in Different Stages
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 4 | 2018
Pages: 141-156
Abstract text:
Any construction represents a complex system in a continuous interaction with both, the natural and anthropic environment, permanently accumulating the consequences of all the categories of actions that require it (including those specific to operating mode). It is therefore possible to admit that in their structure, various degradations and failures occur with the passage of time. For a good analysis and interpretation of the effects generated by factors affecting the sustainability of the reinforced concrete structures could be identified (multicriterial) causes. In the paper was discussed, in chronological order, the main factors which may determine its durability, i.e. on stages of evolution of the structure: at the design stage, execution, exploitation and finally at the stage of repair/rehabilitation work.
Key Words:
water tank; durability; exposure class; risk of degradation
Author(s) Information
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