Sensors for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 4 | 2018
Pages: 25-40
Abstract text:
The use of continuous monitoring systems for the structural degradation of bridges has witnessed a rapid development in recent decades. This development meets the need of the administrators to know the technical condition of the bridges for making the best decisions regarding the maintenance and repair work. Over time, both materials and bridges are fully aged, suffering degradations that may affect the safety of both structure and traffic. With SHM systems, degradations are discovered from the earliest stages of development, thus lowering the cost to resolve them. In this paper, the authors deliver a short presentation of a various types of sensors required for the implementation and long-term use of modern SHM-type systems. The article provides information on the units responsible for capturing the most important data on the structure of the bridge under consideration and the types of sensors.
Key Words:
bridge; Structural Health Monitoring; sensors; maintenance; monitoring
Author(s) Information
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