Energy Absorption in Functionally Graded Concrete under Compression
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 4 | 2018
Pages: 9-24
Abstract text:
Functionally graded concrete building components exhibit a density variation of the inner structure in accordance to the stresses that occur locally under load. Such building components are meant to have similar load bearing capacity, lower mass and higher performances for energy dissipation compared to those made of homogeneous distributed normal weight concrete. For the specimen preparation of graded concrete samples two production methods were used: casting and dry spraying. The purpose is to understand the relation between the alternation of concrete layers with various densities and the amount of energy absorbed. To evaluate the energy absorption capacity, cubes of equal mass but with different gradation layouts have been tested against uniaxial compression forces. Results show that the compressive strength and the amount of energy absorbed for the tested functionally graded concrete cubes is influenced by the layout design as well as by the production technique.
Key Words:
graded materials; normal weight concrete; lightweight concrete; compression test; concrete failure behaviour
Author(s) Information
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