The Potential of Reconverting Functions for Buildings in Romania
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 3 | 2018
Pages: 83-90
Abstract text:
The existing built patrimony fund represents more than a set of old buildings, castles, palaces; It represents the living testimony of the past, of the culture, crafts, history, a way of life, left as our inheritance by our ancestors, to be kept (maintained/repaired) and then given over to future generations. In this way past is kept alive as it adaptable to modern life and to new structural and functional requirements. The issue of functional and structural rehabilitation of old buildings in a derelict state and with an advanced physical and moral wear is a topic of interest for the Romanian society mainly after 1990. In the circumstance of the built fund becoming older and older, with higher maintenance costs, improved comfort and diminished heat losses have become actual and necessary objectives. The directing principle of the rehabilitation of a building is induced by the qualitative and quantitative manifestation of the following factors: building composition, typology and state; the economic role to be played as well as the freedoms and opportunities provided by laws.
Key Words:
construction; rehabilitation; sustainable development; reconversion; environment
Author(s) Information
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