Analysis of Beam-to Column Connections with Demountable Energy Dissipative Plates, Subjected to Cyclical Actions
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 3 | 2018
Pages: 63-72
Abstract text:
Connection behavior is the most important factor in the steel structure’s behavior subjected to cyclic actions. Structural ductility can be ensured following two methods: allowing plastic hinge to be formed in the beam by reducing section of the beam flanges, or by using dissipative elements in order to ensure plastic hinge formation in the connection. This paper presents and discusses results of parametric analyses un the behavior of dissipative beam-to-column connection using Finite Element (FE) modelling tools, and intelligent system artificial neuronal network. The analyses are made on a new type of beam-to-column connections with demountable dissipative plates which can be a new step in designing of beam-to-column connections for steel structures. The objective of introducing into the joint the dissipative plates presented in this article is to direct the plastic hinge into a “weak” element that can be easily replaced. The main objective of the analysis presented in this article is to study the state of tension and deformation of the dissipative plate. Models were analyzed with the ANSYS finite element analysis program. The main results obtained contain the hysteretic curves and state of tension. The artificial neuronal network program was used to analyze the area variation and distribution of plasticized material.
Key Words:
Non-linear analysis; finite element modeling; energy dissipative connections; parametric design; ductile design; plastic hinges; ANN
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