Predictability of Activities Specific to the Quality of Construction Works
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 3 | 2018
Pages: 27-38
Abstract text:
The provisions of Law no.10/1995 on quality in constructions, republished with the subsequent modifications and completions, corroborated with the provisions of the Procedure regarding the state control in the implementation phases determining the mechanical strength and stability of constructions - indicative PCF 002/25.07.2014 and the Procedure on the exercise of state quality control in constructions through controls to the factors involved in the execution process - indicative PCE 001/25.07.2014 stipulate that the designer draws up the control program. Once accepted by the investor, the certified project verifier and the endorsement by I.J.C./I.C.M.B. of the work control program, the document becomes a component of the quality system. According to the approved inspection program, the contractor has the obligation to summon the responsible individuals on the site to carry out the verifications and to authorize the continuation of the construction works. Incorrect inspection of the control program may lead to nonconformities. This paper proposes to determine the types of documents that have to be drawn up so as to prove the carrying out of the verifications leading to the obtaining of construction works that meet the quality requirements established by the project in accordance with the norm, and active legislation. The implementation of a program for the control of construction works in accordance with the requirements of the Procedure for conducting state control in the execution phases determining the mechanical strength and stability of the constructions, from the legislation, norms and norms in force should have the following minimum content. This program is not restrictive. All the checks and documents required by the legislation, norms and applicable norms for all categories of works, whether or not included in the content of this program, will be made on the site. Documents drawn up will explicitly refer, in accordance with the legislation, the norms and active legislation, to the verification made. The control program that meets the minimum requirements previously set out as part of quality management provides assurance that quality requirements will be met.
Key Words:
score; quality; investor; beneficiary; inspection
Author(s) Information
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