Application Rules for Static Resistances of K-Gap Joints in Tubular Lattice Structures
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 2 | 2018
Pages: 113-122
Abstract text:
The particular behaviour of joints with hollow sections is not an easy task, leading to a lack of agility in the design process. The available market profiles of the elements must be chosen judiciously early from the design stage, in order to avoid subsequent problems at the connection design stage. These limitations have given rise to the need to obtain further information on the performance of joints with hollow sections in what concerns resistance, stiffness and deformation capacity. The study of joints with square hollow sections described in the present paper evaluates the differences in design between EN 1993-1-8 and ISO 14346 (2013). The latest norm is based on CIDECT design guide (Packer et al., 2009).
Key Words:
square hollow sections; lattice structures; Hollow Structural Sections (HSS); Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS); EN 1993-1-8; ISO 14346; K-gap joint; design axial resistance
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