Evaluation of Ecological Impact of Roads Function of Their Technical Condition and the Intensity of Traffic Flow. Theoretical Approach. Environmental Indicators. Chains of Causality (I)
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 2 | 2018
Pages: 97-112
Abstract text:
The first part of the paper, Part one, describes the main environmental indicators and various chains of causality taken into account when evaluating the negative ecological impact of roads and presents the influence of the pavement condition, including distresses, roughness and the intensity of traffic flow, on the environment. Based on the theoretical investigation conducted in Part one, in Part Two specific environmental classes of impact have been conceived and proposed, in order to be used in the evaluation of the current ecological status of the road transport system. Finally, technical recommendations for reducing the actual levels of ecological impact, based on the results of significant case studies conducted on national road NR 28 are presented.
Key Words:
pavements; road roughness; pavement condition; ecological impact; traffic intensity
Author(s) Information
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