Building Permits. Definition. Legal Regulations
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 2 | 2018
Pages: 89-96
Abstract text:
Buildings, along with clothing and food, are part of the important human needs. The component elements of a building have the role of meeting the needs of those who exploit them. The quality of a building results from the extent to which the requirements of the users are met over the entire lifetime of the building. For millennia, constructions were made according to empirical rules. However, for a long time, remarkable, lasting constructions have been made, some of them resisting to the present day. Since ancient times, there have been rules for the construction of buildings. At present, these rules are laid down in the main normative acts governing the construction field, namely: the Law 50/1991 on the authorisation of construction works, the Law 10/1995 on quality in construction, the Law 350/2001 on spatial planning and urbanism, as well as and by the Law 215/2001 - the law of local public administration.
Key Words:
building; authorisation; technical documentation; approvals; works
Author(s) Information
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