Assessment of the Environmental Noise Level for Hospital Buildings
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 2 | 2018
Pages: 77-88
Abstract text:
Nowadays, the urban areas are characterized by a large number of activities that can produce high levels of noise. Moreover, if the noise level exceeds certain limits it can have negative impacts upon humans, by either affecting their comfort level or, for high intensities or long exposures, even their health. This paper presents some specific aspects regarding the noise level in urban areas and it is divided in two parts. Thus, the first part presents certain theoretical aspects of noise as a physical parameter and also, specifies the possible negative effects upon the human body, as consequence of exposure to noise which is either high in intensity or long in duration. The second part of the paper presents a case study which consists in measurements of the environmental noise level due to external sources, transmitted inside the hospital buildings. The in-situ recorded values have been statistically processed and graphically represented. Further-more, the experimental values have been compared to the allowable ones, presented by the technical regulations. Based on the results of the case-study it was concluded that the noise level inside the analysed hospital buildings is generally higher than the allowable limit and certain improvements have to be made in order to increase the acoustic comfort degree of the direct or indirect users.
Key Words:
environmental noise; acoustic comfort; acoustic measurements; hospital buildings; case study
Author(s) Information
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