Precast Beam-Column Connection for Industrial Buildings
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 2 | 2018
Pages: 25-32
Abstract text:
In precast industrial halls structures, a key factor is the beam-column connection. The preferred beam-column connection is made with dowels due to simplicity in assembly stage and low cost. The hinged connection between beams and columns is an important element in what regards the overall behaviour of the precast concrete industrial building under seismic loads. Basic design is based on the theoretical response of the structure in regards to vibration modes and/or top displacements and in essence is the calculation of the element sections based on those values. Because the overall behaviour of the structure is influenced by the connections type used, it is considered that the designed connection has to have as much as possible an overall behaviour as the theoretical connection assumed. In this paper we will underline the flaws used in practice/design with current connection and we will propose a new type of connection to be used in future which has already been patented by our company.
Key Words:
precast; connection; beam; column; design
Author(s) Information
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