Performance of Steel End-Plate Connections with Two and Four Bolts per Row
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 1 | 2018
Pages: 73-82
Abstract text:
Any building structural system should be designed as to ensure structural stability and resistance for usual loading conditions but also for potential accidental loading situations. In the case multi-story steel building frames, the second requirement can be achieved considering special design situations in case of key structural member loss, such as a column element. In this case, the behaviour of elements and their connections should be adequate to avoid structural failure by assuring the development of alternate load paths. In this paper, a study on beam-to-column end-plate connections with four bolts per row is presented, in view of enhancing the local behavior of the connection and also the overall behavior of the new structural system. The study assessed the viability and behaviour of such connections under extreme loading situations, where the robustness of the structure represents a critical parameter. It is based on parametric advanced FEM analyses considering the relevance and impact of several geometrical parameters.
Key Words:
end-plate connection; four bolts per row; robustness; FEM analysis; ductility
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