Influence of the Cracking Phenomenon on Reinforced Concrete Elements in Service
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 1 | 2018
Pages: 53-62
Abstract text:
The cracking phenomenon can be defined as accidental or intentional production due to over-stressing and cracking in a material. For reinforced concrete elements in moderate aggressive environment, the measures taken into account when designing the structure must be adapted to achieve the longest possible service life. There are also situations where the construction or certain structural elements are prematurely exposed to the cracking phenomenon. In practice, cracks are most often caused by mechanical, physical, chemical effects resulting from plastic shrinkage, fresh concrete compaction, corrosion cracks. In this paper are presented the main types of cracks, their causes and their influence on the structural elements of reinforced concrete in exploitation.
Key Words:
cracking distribution; reinforcement: plastic compression; thermal variation; plastic shrinkage
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