Aesthetic Qualities of Industrial Buildings Structure
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 1 | 2018
Pages: 39-52
Abstract text:
The industrial revolution was the major catalyst for the developing of new materials and building technologies which made possible the architecture of the XX century. The fundamental functional requirements of the industrial architecture – spatial flexibility, long spans, economy – determined a permanent research in the field of structure science in order to receive the optimal ratio between the material usage and built area. Concurrently, following building economy reasons, the structure was left bare, and is a part of the image of the interior space, adding meaning to the architectural quality. The paper presents an aesthetic approach of the evolution of industrial buildings’ structure, starting from the pre-modern period, when decoration was attached to the structural elements, to the modern phase, in which their form became a result of mathematical calculations. The analysis follows the chronological developing of the building techniques and materials, underlining their plastic qualities. With arguments from the domains of architectural and aesthetic theory, the paper points to the idea that structure is often one of the most important aesthetic elements of the industrial building.
Key Words:
industrial architecture; structure aesthetics; aesthetics; building history
Author(s) Information
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