Experimental Investigations on Spot Welded Built-Up Cold-Formed Steel Beams
Tomme: 64 (68) Fascicle: 1 | 2018
Pages: 19-30
Abstract text:
WELLFORMED research project proposes a new technological solution for built-up beams made of corrugated steel sheets for the web and thinwalled cold-formed steel profiles for the flanges, connected by spot welding. The research integrates an extensive experimental program on small specimens subjected to shear, consisting of two or three layers of steel sheet connected by spot welding and tests on full scale beams, followed by numerical simulations to characterize and optimize the connecting details. The paper presents the results of the first part of the experimental program, i.e. small specimens subjected to shear.
Key Words:
built-up beams; cold-formed steel sections; corrugated web; spot welding; experimental tests
Author(s) Information
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