Studies Regarding the Vertical Soil Pressure Assessment on Rigid Pipes Buried in Straight Ditch
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 4 | 2017
Pages: 101-116
Abstract text:
For the analysis of buried pipe networks different parameters must be considered, from which the most important are the proprieties of the pipe material and the soil characteristics around the pipe. The main exterior forces which push on the rigid pipes are caused by the soil and by the traffic and, in this case, a relative horizontal pressure can be neglected. The calculation expression of the acting load on a rigid pipe buried in soil is based on the Marston load theory. In this paper are presented two situations of buried pipe location, namely: in a ditch (trench) and in a tunnel (at great depths). For each of the two locations of the pipe, the load calculation expression from vertical soil pressure is detailed, in which is inserted a load coefficient. This coefficient is customized according to different parameters and in the paper are given tables with numerical values and variation graphics which are useful in the design of the rigid buried pipes. A case study was done, where the vertical pressure of the soil is calculated above a buried pipe in five types of soils, at different depths H, in a trench with diverse widths Bd.
Key Words:
rigid buried pipe; soil vertical pressure; Marston load theory; load coefficient; parametric studies
Author(s) Information
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