Evolution of the Regulations Regarding the Anti-Seismic Protection of Buildings From the Town of Suceava
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 4 | 2017
Pages: 55-74
Abstract text:
Through the modifications brought to the outlines of the macroseismic zoning maps and the intensity of the seismic hazard, of the factor of the structure behaviour, of the factor of dynamic amplification, etc, the value of the seismic forces of projection of buildings achieved within the period 1940- 2013, in different localities, was variable in time and, consequently, their initial level of seismic security is uneven and, usually, inferior to the requirements of the present regulations, Code P100-1/2013. As a result of the evolution of the technical regulations, the town of Suceava passed through a period in which it was not covered by the anti-seismic norms, period in which all central area of the town of Suceava was built.
Key Words:
seismic hazard; time; evolution; Suceava town
Author(s) Information
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