Considerations of the Dynamic Comfort Indicators in Very Efficient Energetic Buildings
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 4 | 2017
Pages: 29-44
Abstract text:
Imposition of new energy requirements for future buildings (buildings NZB) requires a revision of the rules on their design parameters or rules on hygro-thermal comfort, adapting them to the changing demands that buildings and their improvement. On the other hand, the strategies to ensure comfort in these buildings must be carefully analyzed as indoor climate or comfort hygro-thermal interior is influenced by external climate, performance building and user requirements. The paper presents an analysis of the impact of climatic variations summer on indicators of comfort in buildings NZBE by evaluating them according to rules SR EN 15251 and ASHRAE -55. The analysis aims to highlight the dynamics indicators comfort in actual operating conditions different from those considered in the design process, and identifying strategies appropriate control.
Key Words:
indoor quality environment; dynamics comfort indicators; passive strategy control of indoor quality
Author(s) Information
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