The Use of Heat Pipes for Energy Efficency In Buildings
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 4 | 2017
Pages: 21-28
Abstract text:
Energy efficiency of buildings in our days is in full development, so the research in this domain brings useful solutions to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. Using heat pipes as heat exchangers to obtain a better energy efficiency has many advantages. The purpose of the paper is to present different heat exchangers with heat pipes used in our days, using as primary and secondary fluid water or air. Heat exchangers are used to prepare domestic hot water and to maintain climatic comfort parameters in the rooms of buildings. Also this study will show the feasibility of using heat exchangers with heat pipes used for energy efficiency in buildings. The necessity of energy efficiency is needed because of the major problems of the environment and climate change. Due that in the construction domain buildings should be built with a big energetic performance with a low or even zero impact over environment.
Key Words:
heat exchangers; heat pipes; energy efficiency; heat transfer; working fluid
Author(s) Information
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