Wind Speed Statistics at Iasi International Airport
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 4 | 2017
Pages: 9-20
Abstract text:
The paper presents a case study of statistical analysis concerning long-term wind speed databases. A 40 years wind database containing data collected from Iasi airport international meteorological station was analysed, both the analysis of the parent population and of extreme values being performed. The database contains daily maximum values (1961-2015) provided by the National Meteorological Administration (ANM), as well as 10min mean hourly data (1976-2015) provided by the National Oceans and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA). Results obtained were further compared with values for Iasi from the wind hazard zonation map of the Romanian wind loading code CR1-1-4/2012.
Key Words:
wind speed statistics; Weibull analysis; parent distribution; analysis of extreme values; directional analysis
Author(s) Information
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