Passive Viscous Fluid Devices for Seismic Energy Dissipation
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 3 | 2017
Pages: 115-124
Abstract text:
The conventional seismic design, based on a combination of strength, ductility and energy dissipation of principal structural members, understands the strong motions, such as earthquakes, as loads at which the structure must resist and remain functional, accepting a certain level of structural degradations. While this method based on strength-ductility-energy dissipation can prevent big damages, it is difficult to rehabilitate plastic hinges developed in structural members during a strong seismic action. On the contrary, the concept of a structure with supplemental viscous fluid dampers assumes that the most dissipation energy demand is absorbed by these devices, not by the structure itself, and the damages are mainly localized and concentrated on the devices during earthquakes. The main objective of this paper is to present some of passive viscous fluid dampers and numerical results of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system protected with such supplemental energy dissipation devices.
Key Words:
passive damper; vibration control; damping; energy dissipation
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