Experimental Simulations of Ventilation Modes in Double-Skin Envelopes
Tomme: LII (LVI) Fascicle: 1-2 | 2006
Pages: 125-132
Abstract text:
An experimental study of a heated vertical plane channel, representative of double-skin envelopes, was undertaken. The study was focused on the dynamics of the natural convection flow resulting from the uniform heating of one of the walls on its central part. Only the convective aspects related to natural ventilation are studied by carrying out the experiments in water in order to neglect radiation. Flow visualization techniques made it possible to show the strongly unsteady and three-dimensional character of the resulting flow and to observe the presence of a reverse flow of variable length on the studied range of modified Rayleigh numbers 106 ≤ Ra* ≤ 2 x 107.
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