Seismic Safety Evaluation of Wind Turbine Behavior During Operational Lifetime Cycle
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 3 | 2017
Pages: 79-96
Abstract text:
The fast increasing of wind turbine construction came with some particular design rules and construction technological problems, especially in seismic areas. Thus, seismic action must be considered apart from wind actions when it comes to wind turbine design and construction in the prone seismic area. Also, the foundation soil conditions have to be taken into account for wind turbines design for avoiding resonance, as they directly affect the dynamic characteristics of the tower. The present paper aims to assess the effects of soils structure interaction upon a wind turbine tower, located in Iasi region, considering recorded accelerogram in situ of recent earthquakes from 1986, 1990 and 2000. The wind turbine of 70 meters height having 4 different types of soil support was subjected to Time History Analyses, as to have a better understanding of future behavior based on identification of possible maximum responses of this type of structures under the action of Vrancea earthquakes.
Key Words:
wind turbine; soil structure interaction; earthquake action; FE modeling; unconventional energy; soil conditions; time history analyses; wind turbine life cycle; resonance; foundation soil
Author(s) Information
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