Bituminous Sand Road Asphalt Pavement
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 3 | 2017
Pages: 55-64
Abstract text:
The necessity to construct and improve communication paths has made road works essential to the development of society. From ancient times until today, people have tried to build roads in order to establish connections with those around them. In Romania, road construction has grown particularly in recent years and the need for road bitumen has increased. In order to consume less bitumen, product supplied only from import, the use of bituminous sands has been successfully incorporated in the production of asphalt mixtures. This paper aims to highlight the physical and mechanical characteristics of those asphalt mixtures containing bituminous sand based on technical specifications of CD 42-85 departmental normative for the direct use of bituminous sands with and without adding hard paving grade bitumen for the execution of asphalt layers. Keywords:
Key Words:
bituminous sands; bitumen; asphalt mixture; physical and mechanical characteristics; bituminous layers
Author(s) Information
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