Evaluation of a New Lightweight Insulation Material Prepared by Hemp Shives
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 3 | 2017
Pages: 45-54
Abstract text:
Hemp is today an important resource for food, clothes, furniture, and construction industries. These technical crops are known for their capacity of industrialization, because hemp can be used in totally for its elements. Seeds, fibres, tow and hemp hurds are the main elements that are obtained from hemp plant. With an annual rate of regeneration, hemp promises much for the construction sector, in a period in which buildings are considered having a biggest negative impact on the environment. Finding solutions for developing alternative materials is essential for building environment. Natural plants can be the solution for replacing the synthetic materials used in buildings. Therefore the present study concerns the identification of new materials that can give a proper hydrothermal and noise related comfort conditions also being able to meet the requirements of sustainable development. For this purpose, three formulae based on hemp shives and hydrated limes were investigated. Tests concerned noise and thermal properties were carried out.
Key Words:
hemp; hydrated lime; sustainable development; absorption coefficient; thermal conductivity coefficient
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