Evaluation of the Wood Strength Class Using the Experimental Approach
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 2 | 2017
Pages: 121-132
Abstract text:
The physical and the mechanical properties of wood as building material are the key parameters for the design of timber structures. Also, based on these parameters the wood products may be classified into several strength classes. This paper presents the outcomes of an experimental program that focuses on the properties of wood required for the design of structural timber construction members. Thus, 40 wood specimens were prepared according to the current standard requirements and tested for tensile, compression and static bending. Also, using the results of the static bending tests, the global modulus of elasticity in bending was computed. Finally, the strength class of the wood specimens was determined.
Key Words:
wood specimens; experimental tests; design properties; strength classes; global modulus of elasticity
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