Development of Bridge Structural Helth Monitoring
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 2 | 2017
Pages: 105-120
Abstract text:
Some essential issues about new technologies for monitoring bridge structures are presented in this paper. Those technologies have been brought together under the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) name. As time passes, older structures suffer degradations that affect the structural safety and the traffic. With a system of this type, degradations are identified at the earliest stages of their occurrence and the remediation costs required are much lower. Another reason of SHM implementation is the interest of administrators to maintain the structures into optimal conditions for the traffic safety, but at the same time, to fit into their budgets. Because of the technology needs for implementation, SHM is a relatively new field, the first documented attempt to monitor a bridge dating from 1937. The advantages of using this type of system, and also some examples of structures that have benefited from these features are presented in this paper.
Key Words:
Structural Health Monitoring; bridge; maintenance; durability; service life
Author(s) Information
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