Assessment of the Concrete Compressive Strength Using Non-Destructive Methods
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 2 | 2017
Pages: 43-56
Abstract text:
The ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) and the rebound hammer (RH) are the most utilized non-destructive methods in determining the compressive strength of concrete. In most of the cases, if only one method is used, the results that are obtained are not accurate enough. Thus, the experimental programs that have been conducted in this filed, have proved that the optimum approach consists in applying both methods and correlating the results in order to obtain reliable values for the compressive strengths. The combined method that consists in both UPV and RH tests, is known as SonReb approach. The non-destructive test results obtained by UPV and RH are applied in the compressive strength assessment for concrete elements, using empirical mathematical equations based on linear regression models. The first part of this paper focuses on presenting the general principles of UPV and RH methods, detailing their particularities and limitations. In the second part of the paper, a case study is presented, aiming to verify nine mathematical models which are commonly applied in the assessment of the compressive strength of concrete. The results that were calculated based on the equations of the mathematical models have been compared to the real values of the corresponding compressive strengths, obtained through laboratory compressive destructive tests. The comparative analysis concluded that the SonReb method provides the most accurate results, when compared to the single methods.
Key Words:
concrete compressive strength; ultrasonic pulse velocity; rebound hammer; mathematical models; comparative study
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