Base Concepts of Libraries
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 2 | 2017
Pages: 9-18
Abstract text:
In order to understand the development of libraries we must first set some pillars of establishment and operation without which the institution in itself would disappear. This pillars are: 1. A centralized population –libraries don’t flourish in nomadic conditions, and the question to which we have to find an answer is “What attracts the users to the library?”; 2. Stable locations – for storing and study of info-documentary materials, the possibility of expansion being one of the key requirements of any library. There are four vital factors that intertwine in the development of a library; 3. Economic power – the economic development implies that libraries must invest a great deal in having solid book collections, that feature old and antique materials, this implies high costs, thus the old manuscripts are rare and have high maintenance costs, but they are not only the main source of spending, as it must be understood the high social role and value of the library. Thus libraries need solid financing, especially public funding.
Key Words:
library development; library concepts; progress; library user; info-documentary material; higher education; growth; expansion; economic power; value
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