Real Value Estimation for Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 1 | 2017
Pages: 83-92
Abstract text:
The building activity has as final result a product in the form of construction. Currently there are several classifications of the buildings beginning from the general classification of buildings and civil engineering, civil buildings, industrial buildings, farm buildings, also in relation to the deformability of the outside action there are buildings with rigid structure, buildings with flexible structure, buildings structurally semi-flexible. In order of importance there are three types of civil buildings: civil buildings of high importance, civil buildings of medium importance, buildings of minor importance. Also we can classify buildings after constitutive elements and materials from which they are made of: the resistance structure, closing elements, elements of subdivision finishing elements. All these exposed classifications should lead naturally to estimate the market value of buildings on poorly regulated real estate market and left at the mercy of evaluators who are not civil engineers.
Key Words:
construction management; cost estimation; concrete
Author(s) Information
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