Analysis of Risk Factors in Construction Industry
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 1 | 2017
Pages: 71-82
Abstract text:
The construction sector is associated with a complex succession of operations, all of them being accompanied by a wide diversity of risks. The starting point of the current research was the idea that in construction sector the percentage of work accidents is more extended as compared with other areas. In this context it might be considered as necessary and useful an extended analysis of risk factors, even more identification of risk factors in constructions is highly important as related to work safety on sites. As a result, the analysis of risk factors can be translated in a plan containing prevention and protection measures for a significant reduction of risks. In this context, the present paper objective was to identify main risk factors in construction sector, based on activity peculiarities and to provide a strategic approach on risks management policy. The analysis process consisted in identification of risk classes, their probability and severity level associated with different construction work types. Based on the results obtained during the analysis, the purpose was to adopt specific measures, useful for risks management and to diminish the fatalities in construction sector.
Key Words:
risk; accident; evaluation; prevention, analysis
Author(s) Information
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