In Plan Shear Retrofit of Masonry Walls with Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Experimental Investigations

Tomme: LII (LVI) Fascicle: 1-2 | 2006
Pages: 99-108
Abstract text:
The paper presents the results from tests on clay brick masonry walls strengthened using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Five 1.50x1.50 m wall specimens have been subjected to pure in plan shear loads up to failure and then retrofitted on one side, with different types, percentages and lay-ups of the fiber sheets. Based on the experi¬mental results, it was proven the effectiveness of using externally bonded composites for retrofitting brick masonry walls, with less disruption during strengthening, and in this way with reduced costs compared with other conventional repairing and strengthening tech¬niques. Performances of the different strengthening configurations were compared in terms of ultimate load, strain in composite and failure mechanism.
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