Sheep Wool-a Natural Material used in Civil Engineering
Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 1 | 2017
Pages: 21-30
Abstract text:
In recent years, became increasingly common the use of natural fibers in the civil engineering sector, as a part of energy-efficient and sustainable trends. In Romania, the breeding of sheep represents a traditional activity. Anually, important quantities of resulted wool are treated as wastes, being burned or buried. Several researches demonstrated good properties of sheep wool fibres which recommend them in insulation purposes or in reinforced composited obtaining. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the possibilities of sheep wool usage as a building material. This paper is important because, at present, the knowledge and the application of sheep wool fibers in this sector are relatively limited and treated with some doubts.
Key Words:
insulation; composites; eco-friendly; building, properties
Author(s) Information
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