New Laws in Romanian Public Procurement. The Contracting Strategy
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 4 | 2016
Pages: 97-106
Abstract text:
The procedures for awarding public procurement contracts represents the stages to be completed by the contracting authority and the candidates/bidders for the parties agreement on employment in the public procurement contract to be considered valid. The tender procedures, according to the Romanian legislation are: open procedure, restricted procedure, competitive negotiation, competitive dialogue, the innovation partnership, negotiation without prior publication, design contest, awarding procedure applicable to social services and other specific services or, where appropriate simplified procedure. During 2016, public procurement has undergone significant legislative changes such incidents most important legislative provisions were: until 05.25.2016 the valuable law was the Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 on the award of public procurement contracts and after 05.26.2016 came into force Law no. 98/2016 on Public Procurement.
Key Words:
bid tendering; contract; explanatory notes; contracting authority; change
Author(s) Information
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