Influence of the Water Cement Ratio on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of a Romanian Silt Treated with Portland Cement
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 4 | 2016
Pages: 79-88
Abstract text:
A relatively new approach regarding the improvement of the geotechnical parameters consists of the in situ mixing of the soil with various stabilizing agents. A particular case of this treatment process is represented by the Cement Deep Soil Mixing methods. For the projects in which such a method is adopted, one of the main stages is the experimental laboratory program. Its purpose is to evaluate the applicability of the method and to determine the optimal formula of the stabilizing agent. This article focuses on a laboratory experiment aimed at investigating the influence of the water-cement ratio on the unconfined compressive strength of a powder mixed with cement slurry. In this respect, 155 samples prepared by mixing the soil with with three amounts of powder cement (150, 200 and 250 kg/m3) and various water-cement ratios have been tested. The results allowed the identification of an optimal water-cement ratio for each of the three amounts of analyzed cement. An important aspect is that the increase of the water-cement ratio has led to the increase of the strength, a fact motivated by the low natural humidity of the analyzed powder.
Key Words:
Romanian silt; cement sllury; water-cement ratio; unconfined compressive strength
Author(s) Information
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