Local Resources - Key Factors for Energy Efficiency in North-East Region of Romania
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 4 | 2016
Pages: 61-78
Abstract text:
In Romania, the policy of energy efficiency follows the system of European principles for strengthening security of energy supply, and a system of positive principles in terms of reducing environmental pollution and, in particular, reducing the greenhouse effect. Energy efficiency is a central target of "Europe 2020" strategy, and, since it is elaborated at EU level generally, its implementation solutions must be adapted to the region local conditions. The article presents the specific conditions, the evaluation of natural parameters, and implementation stage of sustainable resources from the Romania North-East Development Region. The case study presented in the paper is a comprehensive review of the renewable energy resources from the region, and it is focused on the evaluation of the local energy resources, as well as their influence regarding energy efficiency in construction sector. The implementation stage of renewable energy production technologies in the Romania North-East Development Region has highlighted that there is a clear need for national strategies with an improved understanding of the natural local resources. The conclusions highlight the Romanian government policies related to the expected economic inducements for the enlargement of solar and wind energy power fields in order to foster renewable energy development in the North-East Development Region.
Key Words:
renewable energy; wind energy; hydro energy; biomass; geothermal energy; solar energy; energy efficiency
Author(s) Information
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