Allowable Pressure for Rigid Strip Foundations
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 4 | 2016
Pages: 39-52
Abstract text:
The design of foundations is done considering both the strength and the settlement of the soil, under expected loading conditions and soil conditions. In the case of ordinary buildings founded on favourable ground the design can be done using prescriptive design procedures – comparing the actual pressures with the allowable pressures. The values for the allowable pressure (conventional pressure), provided in the Romanian technical regulations, are established empirically. New values for the allowable pressure for rigid strip foundations were proposed. The study showed that the values of the allowable pressure corresponding to a settlement of 6 cm are lower than the values of the conventional pressures, plastic pressures and the ultimate pressure obtained using the specifications from the Romanian technical regulations.
Key Words:
limit state; foundation; bearing capacity; allowable settlement; finite element method
Author(s) Information
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