Noninvasive Techniques of Investigating Moisture in the Case of Historic Buildings
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 3 | 2016
Pages: 101-110
Abstract text:
Moisture is a recurring issue in the degradation of old buildings. The researchers showed their interest in investigating moisture since the early nineteenth century, but the techniques available at that time were approximate and mainly based on the specialists’ previous experience, and not on actual data. Lately, the scientific progress has generated a series of modern, noninvasive techniques of investigating moisture content and hygrothermal phenomena encountered in old buildings. The paper aims at presenting some new investigation techniques, such as IRT (Infrared Termography), FOM (Fibre Optique Microscopy), US (Ultrasonic Testing), NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), GRP (Ground Penetrating Radar), DIP (Digital Image Processing) and LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic). In addition to the description of the operating principles of these modern techniques, the advantages and the disadvantages of their use will be detailed.
Key Words:
investigation; noninvasive techniques; humidity; historic buildings.
Author(s) Information
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