Some Considerations Regarding the Assessment of Dynamic Characteristics
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 3 | 2016
Pages: 91-100
Abstract text:
This paperwork deals with the estimation methods for the dynamic behavior and natural characteristics of structures. A structural case study of a 3 DOFS structure tested on the master shaking table of the Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services from Iaşi it is presented. The specimen is a 3 storey steel frame model with additional masses. The testing program consisted of low level sweep sine tests (OX & OY directions). Next, earthquake type excitations were applied, at several degrees of intensity (real and synthetic time-histories). The verification and validation of modeling assumptions of the finite element models for structural analysis were carried on by the means of dedicated software FEM tools. The conclusions are focused on the accuracy of the models and the dynamic model matrices.
Key Words:
structural analysis; dynamic tests; modal assurance criterion.
Author(s) Information
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