Modulus of Elasticity of Self Compacting Concrete with Diferents Levels of Limestone Powder
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 3 | 2016
Pages: 43-52
Abstract text:
Self compacting concrete (SCC) is a relatively new material in building industry, which doesn’t require mechanical compaction. The material’s high fluidity allows the flow under its own weigh through the narrow sections, around the reinforcement, filling completely the formwork without segregation. The capacity to spread of SCC is attained by increased powder content and limited coarse aggregates volume. The most commonly mineral addition is filler limestone, an industrial by product. The properties of fresh SCC were thoroughly studied, but the investigations of the characteristics of hardened SCC remains inconsistent. The changes made to the concrete composition modifies mechanicals characteristics. In this study is investigated the influence of limestone powder content on the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity.
Key Words:
self compacting concrete; limestone powder; compressive strength; modulus of elasticity.
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