Normal Wear and Tear in Romanian Construction Properties
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 3 | 2016
Pages: 21-28
Abstract text:
The physical depreciation is the loss in value due to physical deterioration in normal conditions of weather. Currently, there are many methods of estimating the normal wear and tear, but most do not take rigorously into account the influence of the actual temperature values recorded in a particular area. I believe that the introduction of the environmental conditions parameter for the estimation of normal wear and tear of buildings is a first step towards a correct estimation. The environmental conditions in Romania reflects the repeated changes in temperature from day-night, in the same calendar month or in the same season, which affects the durability of the construction in time. This situation must be constantly monitored that one can intervene rapidly in buildings with maintenance works even if physical age would not require this.
Key Words:
wear and tear; life cycle theory; effective age; depreciation; appraised value.
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