Dimensional Optimization for Segmented Underpinning Based on the Structural Response
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 2 | 2016
Pages: 81-92
Abstract text:
The comprehension of the structural behavior under static loads of a building while it is underpinned allows the identification of structural weaknesses and the possibility of optimizing the retrofitting method as well as adopting a fit strategy for the protective measures within the intervention technique. This paper presents an evaluation of the structural effects of the phases within the traditional method of underpinning considered for three different approaches. Three-dimensional linear elastic analyzes for the model geometry consisting of a layered soil profile, a continuous stone foundation and a bearing masonry wall have been performed using finite element software ANSYS. Correlation between normal in-plane stress distribution within the masonry wall and each phase of the underpinning process have been highlighted. Also the effect of the segments dimensions and the numbering process of the segments upon the stress variation within the masonry wall have been analyzed. Optimization of the segments sizes and the numbering of stages can be obtained using the stress assessment of the masonry wall during the underpinning phases, along with the minimising of the risks associated to the technological procedure and ensuring the structural safety.
Key Words:
continuous underpinning; ANSYS software; stress assessment; optimization; stress path; masonry wall.
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