Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 2 | 2016
Pages: 59-68
Abstract text:
Self compacting concrete represents an innovation in the building industry due to its worbability. SCC is able to flow under its own weigh, filling perfectly the formwork even in a presence of congested reinforcement without vibration. The components of SCC are similar as conventionally vibrated concrete, but the mixture proportions for SCC differ essentially. The higher powder content, limited volume and nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate, larger quantity of superplasticisers represent design requirements in achieving the self compatibility. The changes of the concrete composition lead to a different properties in hardened state. The compressive strength of concrete represents one of the most important feature used in the design rules of the concrete structures. The results of the test showed that at the same cement content and water/cement ratio, SCC haves a higher compressive strength than the conventionnaly vibrated concrete, this is due packing effect of filler that reduces the porosity and lead to a denser microstructure, more uniform stress distribution during compression.
Key Words:
self compacting concrete; workability; cube strength; cylinder strength.
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