Upon the Stresses Developed in the Superstructure Influenced by Limited Excavation and Concreting Works Underneath an Existing Foundation
Tomme: 62 (66) Fascicle: 2 | 2016
Pages: 19-28
Abstract text:
Underpinning of foundations is a method utilized on large scale with the purpose of strengthening the foundations of an existing building. Traditional underpinning consists in excavated alternate pits afterwards filled with poured concrete. The aim of the present paper is focused on the normal stress variation into masonry walls when removing an area of soil from under the center of the foundation and filling it with concrete, with the end purpose of underpinning the foundation. The length of the central section should be adjusted so that the additional stresses induced into the wall on the excavation stage as well as on the concrete casting stage to be tolerated. The model geometry consists of a homogeneous and isotropic layered soil profile, a stone masonry continuous foundation and a brick masonry wall, developed and analyzed in a three-dimensional linear elastic hypothesis with finite element software-ANSYS. The elastic properties of the wall and foundation are framed into a decreasing range of values defining the material aging during service.
Key Words:
finite element analysis; ANSYS software; section length; dimensional optimization; stress distribution.
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